Posted on April 27th, 2019 @ 03:03pm
In order to inculcate hands-on expertise and instil confidence within final sem B. Pharm. students, which greatly benefits their future careers whether they pursue M. Pharm. or take up an industrial job, an in-house Instrument Training program has annually been organized by School of Pharmacy, RK University, since last six years. In this training, students perform mostly hands-on operation of various instruments used in discovery and development of drugs, their quality control, analysis, and manufacturing of formulations.
The instruments/equipment on which the students were trained:
1. Rotary Tablet Punching Machine
2. Bulk Density Apparatus
3. Capsule Filling Machine
4. Capsule Counting Equipment
5. Bottle Washing Machine
6. Humidity Cabinet
7. Disintegration Tester
8. Friability Tester
9. Hardness Tester
10. Pan Coater
11. Ointment Filling Machine
12. Bottle Filling Machine
13. Ampoule Washing And Cleaning Machine
14. Brooke Field Viscometer
15. Ampoule Sealing Machine
16. Digital Hardness Tester
17. Ball Mill
18. Double Cone Blender
19. Sieve Shaker
20. Dissolution Apparatus
21. Tray Dryer
22. HPLC (demo)
23. Flame Photometry
24. UV-Vis Double Beam Spectrophotometer
25. GCMS (demo)
26. Ion Exchanger
27. Fluorimeter
28. Polarimeter
29. pH Meter
30. Conductometer
31. Colourimeter
32. Potentiometer
33. Analgesiometer
34. Cooks Pole Climbing Apparatus
35. Electro Convulsio Meter
36. Photoactometer
37. Physiograph
38. Rota-Road Test Apparatus
39. Histamine Chamber
40. Eddys Hot Plate
41. Remi Colling Centrifuge For Isolation Of Serum
42. Langendroffs Assembly
43. Blood Cell Counter
44. Clavengers Apparatus
45. Soxhlet Apparatus
46. Column Chromatography
47. BOD Incubator
48. Autoclave
49. Orbital Shaker
50. Gel Electrophoresis
51. Colony Counter