Posted on January 2nd, 2020 @ 05:39pm
The Pharma Health Club (PHC) of School of Pharmacy including the students of BPharm, developed and distributed the HerbaStick – Dhoop Sticks made purely of herbal ingredients. Various faculties of School of Pharmacy contributed to the successful formulation of the Dhoop Sticks. The program was entirely coordinated by Mr. Tejas Ganatra, Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, RK University.
1.Objective of the Program
- To make students aware about their professional duties as well as get trained for development and evaluation of Dhoop stick like semi-solid product.
- To prepare quality product for society which can help to improve the health as well as protect the patients from mosquitoes like insect born diseases.
- To establish professional values among all other professionals.
2.Brief description of the program
- The dung cake was powdered and converted to fine powder for making of Dhoop. Approximately 15 batches were made to prepare proper formulation for making DHOOP STICKs.
- Preparation of Dhoop stick from Cow dung was made by using fine powdered cow dung, Camphor, Guggul, Neem, Tulsi, Dashang, Loban, Eucalyptus oil, Devdar oil, Citronella oil, etc.
- The product was wrapped in butter paper and packed in plastic boxes to maintain the essence of product as well as improve its storage.
- On 2nd December, 2019, various groups of students gifted this prepared sticks to higher authorities of RK University like DenishSir, RamaniSir, Director of all schools and Rectors of both hostels.
3.Outcomes of the program
- Students learn the holistic approach of making natural Dhoop stick and get rid from mosquitoes;
- Students learnt the concept of formulation development by making of proper composition of Dhoop Stick;
- Faculties and higher authorities of RK University got better and safer alternate of chemical containing dhoop batti or dhoop.
- Development of product with proper labelling which can be launched in market.