Two Days GSBTM sponsored National Level Training Programme on “Drug Discovery and Design: DDD-2022”
Posted on March 7th, 2022 @ 03:10pm
School of Pharmacy, RK University successfully organized Two Days Training Programme on ‘Drug Discovery and Design 2022’ sponsored by Gujarat State Biotechnological Mission (GSBTM), Department of Science and Technology, Government of Gujarat coordinated by Dr. Pravin Tirgar (Professor, HOD- Doctor of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy) and conveyed by Dr. Devang Pandya (Deputy Director, School of Pharmacy).
The theme of the 2 days training program is Discovery, Design and Development of Vaccine in pharmaceutical industry.
Chief Patron of the training programme and Executive Vice President, Shri Denish Patel, Chief guest Dr. Rahul P. Thumbar, Founder (owner) and chief scientist of Shree Krushna Gene Lab and Research Center, Guest of Honor - Dr. Pallab Bhattacharya, Dean & Director In-charge at NIPER-Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India inaugurated the workshop and motivated the participant to gain and utilize the knowledge from training programme on drug discovery and design related to Vaccine.
Research scholars and post graduate students from research institutes of Pharmacy and bioscience across the Gujarat benefited by this training program. Participants learn hands on session on proteomic and genomic techniques like Polymerase Chain Reactions and Western Blotting Techniques by the Trainer Dr. Vijay Kumar, HOD, Microbiology, School of Science, RK University. The participants have great exposure to learn about ‘Development of a New Hyper Immune Immunoglobulin Treatment Option for COVID-19’ by keynote speaker Mr. Sachin Kumar Verma, Senior Research Scientist, Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and topic of ‘Regulatory landscape for WHO Prequalification of Vaccines’ by Keynote speaker Mr. Subhodeep Chakraborty, Associate Manager, International Regulatory Affairs, Zydus Life Science.