Climate Change Youth Outreach Fortnight Program-2022
Posted on November 11th, 2022 @ 11:44am
School of Pharmacy, RK University in association with the Climate Change Department of Gujarat Government and Medicinal Plant Club(MPC) has celebrated the climate change youth outreach program from 17/9/22 to 30/9/2022. Under which school of pharmacy has organized various competitions like slogan, elocution, innovative ideas for combating climate change, essay writing, & group discussion competition on various topics from 26/9/2022 to 30/9/2022. Many students have participated in each and every event enthusiastically with exceptional knowledge regarding the given competition topics. Dr. Vaibhavi Savalia and Ms. Kajal Kalaria have served as Coordinator and Judge of the event. Purpose of the event is to spread awareness in youth, which has the power to transform our societies towards a low-carbon and climate resilient future.